Fresenius Kabi

Fresenius Kabi

+ 1 more internship

Intern (m/f/d) Global Information & Digital Technology

Bad HomburgPraktikumVollzeit
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You are an IT crack and want to look behind the scenes of an international healthcare company while studying? Then support our Global Information & Digital Technology team with immediate effect, which aims to provide agile tools and services and act as a support to the global business objects within the proper environment! Here you have the opportunity to actively participate in our team for 6 months and support us in strategic projects. This way you can get a taste of practical experience, make contacts and explore possible career paths.

Your Challenge in Detail

  • Support our team in analyzing of complex data related to various projects through Excel and PowerBI and preparing of IT data related to our organization
  • Your interesting tasks will also include participation in the development of measures for the transformation of the IT organization
  • Even more: You summarize complex information as a base for discussion of strategic initiatives (management summaries), prepare management presentations
  • In addition, you translate the summary of acquired data into PowerPoint slide decks, ensuring they are visually appealing and clear
  • Of course, you will also be involved in various strategic projects and will be in touch with different project stakeholders
  • Checking the progress of certain project parts, summarizing feedback and passing on relevant information in status calls is one of your exiting tasks
  • You also write meeting minutes for important management meetings and update status slides for regular project status calls

Your Competence is in Demand

  • Current studies (min. 4th semester) in the field of economics with focus on IT, management studies or similar
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office applications (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) as well as VBA and Data Analysis
  • Basic knowledge of PowerBI
  • Safe handling with MS Outlook, including sending emails, scheduling and rescheduling regular meetings and setting up meeting series
  • Knowledge of MS Teams, including uploading and organizing files according to project structure
  • Interest in IT strategies is beneficial
  • Quick comprehension and targeted reproduction of complex interrelationships
  • Proactive, independent and solution-oriented way of working and discretion
  • Very good command of written and spoken English

Our offer to you

As an intern, there is a lot for you to discover at Fresenius. Add purpose to your career:

  • Comprehensive support; participation in exciting departmental tasks, processes and projects; opportunities to contribute and implement your own ideas
  • Professional and personal development opportunities gained through engaging in hands-on work while still a student
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues and young professionals from other divisions via our intern community
  • The chance to lay the foundation for a potential employed position at Fresenius – as seen in the careers of many former interns and working students

Start: asapLocation: Bad Homburg (Mobile working possible by arrangement; regular presence on site required)Do you have general questions about the application process at Fresenius? You will find the answers on this page! FAQ | Fresenius Careers

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HessenBad Homburg




Data Science & AIIT-Architektur & SystemeIT-ConsultingProjektmanagement




Fresenius Kabi



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Bad HomburgPraktikumVollzeit
Job merken

You are an IT crack and want to look behind the scenes of an international healthcare company while studying? Then support our Global Information & Digital Technology team with immediate effect, which aims to provide agile tools and services and act as a support to the global business objects within the proper environment! Here you have the opportunity to actively participate in our team for 6 months and support us in strategic projects. This way you can get a taste of practical experience, make contacts and explore possible career paths.

Your Challenge in Detail

  • Support our team in analyzing of complex data related to various projects through Excel and PowerBI and preparing of IT data related to our organization
  • Your interesting tasks will also include participation in the development of measures for the transformation of the IT organization
  • Even more: You summarize complex information as a base for discussion of strategic initiatives (management summaries), prepare management presentations
  • In addition, you translate the summary of acquired data into PowerPoint slide decks, ensuring they are visually appealing and clear
  • Of course, you will also be involved in various strategic projects and will be in touch with different project stakeholders
  • Checking the progress of certain project parts, summarizing feedback and passing on relevant information in status calls is one of your exiting tasks
  • You also write meeting minutes for important management meetings and update status slides for regular project status calls

Your Competence is in Demand

  • Current studies (min. 4th semester) in the field of economics with focus on IT, management studies or similar
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office applications (Excel, PowerPoint, Word) as well as VBA and Data Analysis
  • Basic knowledge of PowerBI
  • Safe handling with MS Outlook, including sending emails, scheduling and rescheduling regular meetings and setting up meeting series
  • Knowledge of MS Teams, including uploading and organizing files according to project structure
  • Interest in IT strategies is beneficial
  • Quick comprehension and targeted reproduction of complex interrelationships
  • Proactive, independent and solution-oriented way of working and discretion
  • Very good command of written and spoken English

Our offer to you

As an intern, there is a lot for you to discover at Fresenius. Add purpose to your career:

  • Comprehensive support; participation in exciting departmental tasks, processes and projects; opportunities to contribute and implement your own ideas
  • Professional and personal development opportunities gained through engaging in hands-on work while still a student
  • Opportunities to network with colleagues and young professionals from other divisions via our intern community
  • The chance to lay the foundation for a potential employed position at Fresenius – as seen in the careers of many former interns and working students

Start: asapLocation: Bad Homburg (Mobile working possible by arrangement; regular presence on site required)Do you have general questions about the application process at Fresenius? You will find the answers on this page! FAQ | Fresenius Careers

Ihre Benefits

Hybrides Arbeiten

Von Zuhause arbeiten oder im Büro oder beides? Verschiedene Angebote für hybrides Arbeiten ermöglichen Ihnen viel Flexibilität.


Um ihren Einsatz flexibel gestalten und auch universitären Verpflichtungen nachgehen zu können, erhalten Studierende einen Urlaubsanspruch.

Adäquate Vergütung

Alle Praktika und Jobs für Studierende werden vergütet und richten sich nach den gesetzlichen bzw. tariflichen Vorgaben.


Zu Beginn Ihres Einsatzes erhalten Sie von Ihrer Fachabteilung eine Einführung in die Abteilungsprozesse und Ihre Aufgaben.


Die meisten unserer Standorte sind verkehrstechnisch sehr gut an Autobahnen, Bushaltestellen oder Bahnhöfe angebunden.

Flexible Arbeitszeit

Die Arbeitszeitgestaltung erfolgt in Abstimmung mit Ihrer Fach- bzw. Einsatzabteilung und ist in der Regel flexibel.


In unseren Betriebsrestaurants erhalten Sie täglich frisch zubereitete Mahlzeiten.


Speisen und Getränke erhalten Sie in unseren Betriebsrestaurants zu einem vergünstigten Preis.


An unseren Standorten gibt es verschiedene Angebote zum gegenseitigen Austausch und Networken.


An vielen Standorten stehen Ihnen kostenlose Parkplätze zur Verfügung.

Gesundheit am Arbeitsplatz

Wir bieten Ihnen ein breites Sportangebot sowie Ernährungstrainings und Präventionsangebote.


Wir bieten Ihnen ein exklusives Rabattprogramm mit attraktiven Preisnachlässen auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen namhafter Anbieter.


Viele Fachabteilungen arbeiten bei uns in interdisziplinären Teams mit verschiedenen Kulturen und Sprachen.


Für Mitarbeitende mit Elektroautos bieten wir an unserer Konzernzentrale kostenlose Ladestationen an.


Sie können von Fitness-Kooperationen und Sonderkonditionen bei Sport- und Wellnesseinrichtungen profitieren.

Ethisches Handeln

Wir gestalten unsere Geschäfte verantwortungsbewusst – mit Rücksicht auf unsere Partner, Gesellschaft und Natur.

Company Medical Service

Der Company Medical Service steht Ihnen für Beratungssprechstunden, erste Hilfe bei Arbeitsunfällen oder die Wiedereingliederung zur Verfügung.


Bei uns ist jeder willkommen – unabhängig von Geschlecht, Alter, Herkunft, Nationalität, Religion, Behinderung, sexueller Identität und Orientierung.

Karriere mit Sinn

Mit Ihrem Einsatz leisten Sie einen wertvollen Beitrag zur Verbesserung der Lebensqualität von Patient:innen auf der ganzen Welt.
Alle 19 Leistungen anzeigen

Auf einen Blick


HessenBad Homburg




Data Science & AIIT-Architektur & SystemeIT-ConsultingProjektmanagement




Fresenius Kabi



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