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Background Check

What is a Background Check?

A background check is a comprehensive review conducted by companies to verify the information provided by internship applicants. It serves as a safety measure to ensure that the details you've given, either in your resume, application, or interview, are accurate and genuine.

Components of a Background Check:

Organizations are more stringent than ever when it comes to ensuring the credibility of potential employees. This includes interns. The term "Background Check" might sound intimidating, especially if you're new to the professional world. Here's an in-depth look into what it entails and why it's becoming an integral part of the internship application process.

  • Criminal History

    Companies often look into any criminal history to ensure workplace safety. This doesn't mean a minor infraction will automatically disqualify you, but serious crimes might.

  • Education Verification

    Did you genuinely attend the school or university mentioned in your resume? Did you achieve the grades you claim? This part of the check confirms the authenticity of your educational qualifications.

  • Employment History

    For those who've had previous jobs or internships, companies might verify the employment details you've provided, including your role, duration, and even performance.

  • Credit History

    Less common for internships but occasionally checked for positions that involve financial responsibilities. It assesses if you're financially responsible.

  • Drug Testing

    Some companies, especially those in sectors like healthcare or transportation, might require drug tests to ensure a drug-free workplace.

  • Reference Checks

    Companies may reach out to the references you provide to get an insight into your character, qualifications, and work ethic.

Prioritizing Workplace Safety & Security

One of the foremost responsibilities of any company is to maintain a secure and harmonious workplace for its employees. To uphold this commitment, understanding the background of potential interns and employees is paramount.

Background checks serve as a tool to identify and mitigate potential risks, ensuring that new hires align with the company's safety standards and policies, thereby fostering a conducive environment for all.

Authenticity and Verification in Recruitment

Honesty is a coveted trait in the professional world. When applicants provide details, whether about their educational qualifications, previous work experience, or personal history, it's crucial that the information is accurate and genuine.

Through background checks, companies verify the veracity of the data provided, ensuring that candidates have remained transparent and genuine throughout their application. This practice not only upholds the integrity of the recruitment process but also solidifies trust between the employer and the potential intern.

Maintaining Workforce Quality with Due Diligence

A company's success is often reflective of the quality of its workforce. Hiring individuals who are not only qualified but also genuine and trustworthy is critical to sustaining high standards of operation. By employing thorough background checks, companies can assure they're onboarding individuals who complement the existing workforce's quality, skill, and integrity.

How to Prepare for a Background Check:

  • Be Honest

    Always provide accurate information in your applications and interviews. Even minor discrepancies can raise red flags.

  • Stay Informed

    Know what's in your public records. Check your credit reports and understand what might appear in a background check.

  • Prepare References

    If you're providing references, let them know in advance so they're prepared to vouch for you.


How long does a background check usually take?

Typically, background checks can take anywhere from a few days to a couple of weeks, depending on the depth of the check and the responsiveness of the institutions being contacted.

I have a minor offense on my record. Will it affect my internship application?

Not necessarily. Many companies consider the nature and relevance of the offense. A minor traffic violation, for instance, may not impact an application for a marketing internship.


Background checks, while thorough, are primarily a means for companies to ensure a safe, genuine, and efficient workforce. As an intern, it's crucial to understand this process, always uphold honesty in your applications, and remember that everyone has the right to a fair assessment.