Home Interships Glossary Dress Code

Dress Code

What is Dress Code?

Dress Code is a set of guidelines prescribed by an organization outlining how employees, including interns, should present themselves while at work. This ensures that the workplace maintains a professional atmosphere, and individuals reflect the company's values and standards.

Every internship is an opportunity to blend into the professional world, making a significant first impression. One fundamental aspect that often goes under the radar but holds paramount importance is the "Dress Code". Adhering to the appropriate dress code is not just about clothing but echoes an intern's professionalism, adaptability, and respect for the organization's culture.

Types of Dress Codes:

  • Business Formal

    This is the most professional dress code, requiring men to wear suits, ties, and polished shoes, while women often wear blazers, trousers, skirts, or dresses with appropriate lengths, coupled with closed-toed shoes.

  • Business Casual

    A notch down from business formal, this allows for more flexibility. Men might wear dress shirts without ties, polos, and khakis, while women can opt for conservative dresses, skirts, and blouses.

  • Smart Casual

    This offers a balance between professionalism and comfort. It might include jeans paired with a blazer or a nice blouse, loafers, or even clean sneakers.

  • Casual

    The most relaxed of the categories, casual dress code allows for t-shirts, jeans, sneakers, and more. However, even in a casual setting, certain clothing might be inappropriate, like ripped jeans or overly revealing attire.

Why is Dress Code Important in Internships?

  • 1. Professional Image

    The way an intern presents themselves plays a pivotal role in shaping perceptions. By adhering to a company's dress code, interns underscore their commitment and seriousness towards their role. The right attire sends a message: the intern understands the workplace ethos and is dedicated to upholding the professional image the company strives for.

  • 2. Fitting In

    Every company possesses a unique culture, and the dress code often reflects this. For interns, dressing appropriately is not just about looking the part; it's about fitting seamlessly into this environment.

  • 3. Safety and Practicality

    While often seen through the lens of professionalism and culture, dress codes in certain industries transcend aesthetics. In fields like manufacturing or healthcare, the prescribed attire is rooted in practicality. It ensures that those on the job are not only looking apt but are also safeguarded against potential hazards.

Tips for Navigating Dress Codes as an Intern:

  • Research Ahead: Before starting the internship, inquire about the company's dress code. A quick online search or a chat with HR can provide clarity.

  • Err on the Formal Side: If in doubt, it's always better to be slightly overdressed than underdressed. It showcases your commitment to making a good impression.

  • Observe and Adapt: Once you start, observe how regular employees dress. This will give you a clearer picture of daily attire expectations.

  • Prioritize Comfort: While adhering to the dress code, ensure that you're comfortable in what you wear. It boosts confidence and productivity.


I'm unsure about my outfit's appropriateness for the internship. What should I do?

If you're uncertain, it's always a good strategy to opt for a more conservative outfit on your first day. Once there, you can observe and align your attire with the company's norms.

The company has a casual dress code. Does that mean I can wear shorts and flip-flops?

Even with a casual dress code, it's essential to maintain a professional appearance. While some companies might allow shorts, it's safer to avoid overly casual wear like flip-flops. Always prioritize presenting yourself in a polished manner.


The dress code is an integral part of the professional landscape, reflecting an individual's understanding and respect for the workplace. For interns, navigating the dress code appropriately can set the tone for a successful stint, laying the foundation for future professional endeavors.