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Housing Stipend

What is a Housing Stipend?

A housing stipend is a predetermined sum of money offered by employers to help interns cover accommodation costs. This can be in addition to the regular internship salary or can be part of the total compensation package. The stipend's objective is to reduce the financial burden on interns, ensuring they have a comfortable place to stay while they work.

One challenge many interns face, especially when relocating, is finding affordable housing. This is where the concept of a "Housing Stipend" comes into play. Essential in the internship lexicon, a housing stipend can be the deciding factor for many in accepting or turning down an opportunity.

Why do Companies Offer Housing Stipends?

  • Attracting Top Talent

    Especially for competitive internships, offering a housing stipend can set a company apart and attract top candidates from across the country or even internationally.

  • Location Constraints

    Companies located in cities with high living costs understand the challenges interns might face in finding affordable housing. A stipend acts as a cushion in such scenarios.

  • Extended Internship Periods

    Longer internships might mean relocating for a few months. A housing stipend can ease this transition for interns.

  • Enhancing Diversity

    Offering housing stipends can broaden the pool of applicants, bringing in talent from diverse locations and backgrounds.

How Do Housing Stipends Work?

  • Fixed Sum: Companies might offer a set amount each month, which the intern can use toward their rent or other housing expenses.

  • Reimbursement: Some employers might ask interns to front the housing costs and submit receipts for reimbursement.

  • Direct Payments: In certain cases, especially if the company has ties with specific housing providers, they might pay the housing costs directly on behalf of the intern.

Points to Consider for Interns:

  • Tax Implications: Depending on the jurisdiction, housing stipends might be taxable. Interns should consult with tax professionals to understand any potential tax obligations.

  • Cost vs. Stipend: While housing stipends are beneficial, it's essential to evaluate if the provided amount covers actual living costs in the city, especially in pricier locations.

  • Contractual Agreements: Interns should ensure they fully understand the terms of the housing stipend – any conditions, the payment method, and any potential scenarios where the stipend might be withheld.


Is the housing stipend only for interns relocating from a different city or country?

While commonly offered to those relocating, housing stipends can also be available to local interns, especially in high-cost areas. However, eligibility criteria can vary among employers.

If an intern finds housing below the stipend amount, do they get to keep the difference?

This depends on the company's policy. Some might allow interns to keep the difference, while others might offer a fixed reimbursement based on the actual housing costs.


A housing stipend is a significant perk in the internship world, making opportunities more accessible and financially viable. As the professional landscape evolves, understanding such benefits becomes crucial for both companies looking to attract talent and interns aiming to maximize their experience.