Home Interships Glossary Selection Ratio

Selection Ratio

What is a Selection Ratio?

A Selection Ratio refers to the ratio of the number of positions available to the number of applicants. In the context of internships, it provides a snapshot of how competitive a particular internship opportunity might be. A lower ratio indicates a more competitive landscape, while a higher ratio may signify better odds for applicants.

Factors Affecting Selection Ratio in Internships:

  • Company Reputation

    Internships offered by renowned companies or organizations tend to attract a large number of applications, leading to a lower Selection Ratio.

  • Remuneration and Benefits

    Internships that offer attractive stipends or benefits are likely to have more applicants per position.

  • Industry Trends

    Certain industries might see a surge in interest due to various socio-economic factors, influencing the number of applicants for internships in that domain.

  • Location

    Internships in metropolitan areas or in regions known as industry hubs might draw more applications.

For Employers: Making the Most of the Selection Ratio

  • Enhanced Screening: A lower Selection Ratio indicates the need for a more stringent screening process to select the best from a vast pool of candidates.

  • Feedback Mechanism: Employers can use the Selection Ratio as feedback, gauging the attractiveness of their internship offers and making requisite adjustments.

  • Diversity Goals: If an organization is striving for diversity, understanding the Selection Ratio can help in shaping outreach efforts to ensure a diverse group of applicants.


Does a lower Selection Ratio mean it's almost impossible to secure the internship?

Not necessarily. While a lower Selection Ratio does indicate high competition, selection is based on the quality of the application, the fit with the company, and other criteria. It's always worth applying if you believe you're a good fit for the role.

Can the Selection Ratio be used to gauge the quality of the internship?

Not always. While a high number of applicants can indicate a desirable internship, it's essential to consider other factors, like company reputation, job responsibilities, and past intern feedback. A higher Selection Ratio might just reflect good marketing on the company's part.


Selection Ratio serves as an invaluable tool for both internship seekers and providers, offering clarity on the competitive nature of the opportunity. Aspiring interns should utilize this metric, among others, to strategize their application process effectively. Remember, while numbers provide perspective, the right fit and due diligence in understanding the role are equally crucial.