Home Interships Glossary Supervisor


Who is a Supervisor?

An internship supervisor, often a seasoned professional, is assigned the responsibility of overseeing and guiding an intern during their tenure in a company or organization. This person acts as a mentor, providing valuable insights, feedback, and ensuring that the intern is exposed to meaningful learning experiences.

The term "Supervisor" carries a unique significance in the context of internships. A supervisor acts as a beacon for interns, guiding them through the nuances of the corporate world.

Key Responsibilities of a Supervisor in Internships:

  • Orientation

    The supervisor provides an initial induction to help the intern become acquainted with the organization's culture, systems, and expectations.

  • Training

    Offering hands-on training sessions to equip interns with the necessary skills and knowledge to perform their tasks efficiently.

  • Feedback Mechanism

    Regularly reviewing the intern's performance and providing constructive feedback to foster growth and improvement.

  • Mentorship

    Going beyond the job-specific guidance to offer career advice, industry insights, and nurturing the intern's professional aspirations.

  • Conflict Resolution

    Addressing any challenges or issues that the intern might face, be it related to tasks, team dynamics, or organizational procedures.

  • Evaluation

    Assessing the intern's overall performance at the end of the internship period, which may influence future employment opportunities or academic requirements.

The Impact of an Effective Supervisor:

  • Skill Enhancement: Supervisors identify strengths and areas of improvement, guiding interns to hone relevant skills.

  • Networking: They introduce interns to other professionals, helping them expand their industry network.

  • Building Confidence: With regular feedback and encouragement, supervisors help interns gain confidence in their abilities.

  • Career Guidance: Drawing from their experience, they offer advice on career paths, industry trends, and potential opportunities.

Attributes of an Excellent Internship Supervisor:

  • Empathy: Understanding and addressing the concerns of interns, who are often navigating the professional world for the first time.

  • Strong Communication: Being clear about expectations and providing regular feedback.

  • Commitment: Investing time and effort in ensuring the intern benefits maximally from the experience.

  • Knowledgeable: Being well-versed in industry trends and organizational processes to offer valuable guidance.

  • Approachable: Creating an environment where interns feel comfortable seeking help or clarifications.


Can a supervisor be different from the direct manager or team leader an intern works with?

Yes, often the roles can be distinct. While an intern might work day-to-day with a team leader or manager on specific tasks, the supervisor is typically responsible for the intern's overall experience, including training, feedback, and evaluation.

Is it common for interns to maintain a relationship with their supervisors after the internship concludes?

Absolutely! Many interns keep in touch with their supervisors, viewing them as mentors or industry connections. This relationship can be invaluable for future job recommendations, references, or career advice.


A supervisor plays a multifaceted role. They are not just overseers of tasks but are instrumental in shaping an intern's professional journey. Their guidance, mentorship, and feedback can significantly impact an intern's perspective on the industry and their career trajectory. For those stepping into the corporate realm, a supportive supervisor can truly be the wind beneath their wings.