Home Interships Glossary Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)

Confidentiality Agreement (NDA)

What is a Confidentiality Agreement?

A Confidentiality Agreement, often dubbed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), is a legally binding contract between the intern and the company. This document stipulates that the intern cannot disclose or use any confidential information they access during their tenure, safeguarding the company's trade secrets, strategies, and other proprietary data.

In the world of internships, gaining hands-on experience and being entrusted with real-world tasks is par for the course. However, this often means interns come into contact with sensitive company information. It's here that the "Confidentiality Agreement" enters the frame, acting as a protective shield for businesses and setting clear boundaries for interns.

Protecting Business Interests

In the vast expanse of professional landscapes, businesses possess sensitive and proprietary data crucial to their success. This data, if exposed, could arm competitors or tarnish the company's hard-earned reputation. Enter the confidentiality agreement. This document serves to ensure interns and employees fully grasp the significance of safeguarding such pivotal information, emphasizing their role in preserving the company's competitive edge.

Setting Clear Boundaries

Confidentiality agreements play an essential role in delineating the boundaries of information sharing. By explicitly stating what constitutes confidential information and what repercussions arise from sharing it, these agreements eliminate any potential ambiguity for interns. They set a clear roadmap of expectations, ensuring that every individual knows the dos and don'ts when handling company data.

Legal Recourse

While the primary aim of a confidentiality agreement is prevention, it also equips companies with the tools to act if the preventive measures fail. Should an intern or employee breach the terms, the company can resort to legal avenues. This could manifest in seeking monetary damages for any losses incurred due to the breach or obtaining injunctions to prevent further unauthorized disclosures. The presence of these stipulated legal remedies underlines the seriousness of the agreement and acts as a deterrent against breaches.

Components of an Effective Confidentiality Agreement:

  • Definition of Confidential Information

    What the company deems as "confidential" should be explicitly listed.

  • Obligations of the Intern

    Clearly stated responsibilities of the intern in handling and protecting confidential information.

  • Duration

    The period during which the information must remain confidential, even after the internship concludes.

  • Exclusions

    Situations where disclosure is permissible, such as when required by law.

  • Consequences of Breach

    Outlines potential legal and financial consequences if the agreement is violated.

Navigating the Waters of Confidentiality as an Intern:

  • Read Thoroughly: Before signing, ensure you've thoroughly read and understood the agreement's content.

  • Seek Clarification: If any clauses seem ambiguous or too restrictive, discuss them with the HR department or a legal advisor.

  • Stay Vigilant: Always be mindful of the information you handle. Refrain from discussing work outside of the workplace, especially on public platforms.


What if I accidentally disclose confidential information?

Mistakes happen. If you inadvertently disclose confidential data, notify your supervisor immediately. While the agreement does provide legal protections for the company, being forthright can help in damage control and possibly reduce consequences.

Can I use the projects I worked on during my internship in my portfolio or resume?

It depends on the agreement's clauses and the nature of the project. Always seek permission from the company before including any work in your portfolio or referencing it in a public setting.


While the prospect of signing a legal document like a Confidentiality Agreement might seem daunting to many interns, it's a standard practice that underlines the professional nature of internships. It's all about trust and ensuring that the collaboration between the intern and the company is beneficial, secure, and respectful of the business's intellectual assets.