Home Interships Glossary Internship Agreement

Internship Agreement

What is an Internship Agreement?

An Internship Agreement is a formal contract between the intern and the employer detailing the terms, conditions, roles, responsibilities, and expectations associated with the internship. It serves as a protective tool ensuring that both parties are clear on their commitments.

Internships are transformative phases for many young professionals and students. But, as with any professional journey, having a structured framework in place is crucial. This is where the "Internship Agreement" comes into play.

Essential Components of an Internship Agreement:

  • Duration

    Clearly outlines the start and end dates of the internship, with any potential terms for extension.

  • Roles & Responsibilities

    Details the tasks and duties expected of the intern.

  • Compensation

    Specifies if the internship is paid or unpaid, and if paid, provides details on the stipend or other monetary compensation.

  • Confidentiality Agreement

    May contain terms protecting the company's sensitive information with confidentiality agreement.

  • Training & Learning Outcomes

    Mentions any training that will be provided and the skills or knowledge the intern is expected to gain.

  • Termination Terms

    Clauses detailing under which conditions either party can terminate the agreement.

Importance of Internship Agreements:

  • Clear Expectations: Both parties are aware of what to expect, reducing potential misunderstandings or disputes.

  • Legal Safeguard: Provides a legal framework for the internship, safeguarding the interests of both the intern and the employer.

  • Structured Learning: The agreement often contains a clear outline of the learning outcomes, ensuring the intern receives valuable experience.

  • Professionalism: Sets a professional tone for the internship, emphasizing its seriousness and importance.

Considerations when Drafting an Agreement:

Both parties should ensure that the terms are fair and that there is a clear understanding of all clauses. It's advisable to consult legal counsel or professionals familiar with employment laws when drafting or finalizing an agreement.


Is an Internship Agreement legally binding?

Yes, an Internship Agreement is a contract and is typically legally binding. Breaching its terms can have legal consequences, depending on the stipulations of the agreement and local employment laws.

What if I, as an intern, want to make changes to the agreement after it's been drafted?

Any changes to an agreement should be discussed openly with the employer. If both parties agree to the modifications, the contract can be amended, and both parties should initial any changes made.


An Internship Agreement stands as the bedrock of a structured and rewarding internship experience. It not only protects the rights and interests of both parties but also ensures that the internship is a fulfilling and professionally enriching experience. As internships continue to be a pivotal entry-point into industries, understanding the nuances of the associated agreement becomes a necessary step for any aspiring professional.