Home Interships Glossary Orientation


What is Orientation?

Orientation refers to the introductory phase where new interns are familiarized with the company, its culture, the team, and the specifics of their role. It’s designed to ease interns into their positions, ensuring they have the tools, knowledge, and confidence to succeed.

A new internship can be both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. While one is eager to learn and contribute, there's also the natural apprehension about fitting in and understanding the ropes. This is where "Orientation" steps in, ensuring a smooth transition for interns into their new roles. In the context of internships, orientation serves as the bedrock for setting expectations and building relationships.

Why is Orientation Crucial in Internships?

  • Setting Expectations

    Interns understand their roles, responsibilities, and what is expected of them, helping eliminate ambiguities right from the start.

  • Cultural Assimilation

    Understanding the company’s values, mission, and culture is vital. It ensures interns align with the company's ethos and integrates seamlessly.

  • Building Relationships

    Orientation often involves introductions to team members, fostering a sense of belonging and encouraging collaboration.

  • Logistical Familiarization

    From understanding the tools they’ll be using to knowing where the break room is, orientation covers the logistical aspects of the internship.

Components of an Effective Orientation:

  • Company Overview: Insight into the company's history, mission, vision, and values.

  • Role-specific Training: Detailed understanding of the intern’s role, tasks, and expectations.

  • Facility Tour: A guided tour of the office or workspace to acquaint the intern with the environment.

  • Tool and Software Training: Demonstrations and training sessions on specific tools or software they'll be using.

  • Meet and Greet: Facilitated introductions with team members, supervisors, and possibly other departments.

How to Make the Most of Orientation:

  • Participte Actively: Engage in discussions, ask questions, and be a proactive participant.

  • Take Notes: With a flurry of information coming your way, jotting down essential points can be handy.

  • Seek Clarifications: If there's something you don't understand or are unsure about, ask. Orientation is the perfect platform for clearing doubts.


What if my internship doesn’t offer a formal orientation program?

If there’s no structured orientation, take the initiative. Request a meeting with your supervisor to understand your role, responsibilities, and the tools you'll need. Engage with team members, ask questions, and familiarize yourself with the workspace. It’s about ensuring you have a solid starting point.

How long does orientation typically last in internships?

The length of orientation can vary. While some companies may have a comprehensive orientation that lasts a full day or even longer, others might have shorter, more concise sessions spanning a few hours. It depends on the company's size, the internship's nature, and the organization's orientation practices.


Orientation, in the grand scheme of internships, might seem like a brief blip. However, its impact on an intern's journey, sense of belonging, and overall productivity is profound. By setting the right tone at the beginning, companies ensure that interns can contribute effectively and gain meaningful experiences.