Home Interships Glossary Professional Etiquette

Professional Etiquette

What is Professional Etiquette?

Professional etiquette refers to the unwritten code of conduct or behavior that individuals are expected to adhere to in a professional setting. It encompasses everything from communication nuances to punctuality, ensuring one's actions align with workplace standards and expectations.

For interns eager to make a lasting impression, understanding and embodying professional etiquette can be the game-changer.

Key Aspects of Professional Etiquette for Interns:

  • Communication

    Effective, clear, and respectful communication, be it verbal or written, is fundamental. This includes promptly replying to emails, addressing colleagues appropriately, and listening actively during meetings.

  • Punctuality

    Being on time showcases respect for other people's time and commitment to the role.

  • Dress Code

    Adhering to the company's dress code, whether it's formal or casual, is crucial. It demonstrates professionalism and respect for the company's culture.

  • Respect for Workspace

    This means keeping a tidy workspace, not invading others' space, and being mindful of noise levels, especially in open-plan offices.

  • Team Dynamics

    Recognizing and valuing the contributions of team members, being a proactive team player, and avoiding office politics are all integral.

Why is Professional Etiquette Important for Interns?

  • First Impressions Matter: For interns, first impressions can lay the foundation for future opportunities. Professional etiquette ensures this impression is a positive one.

  • Building Relationships: Good etiquette helps interns build relationships with colleagues, mentors, and higher-ups, which can be beneficial in the long run.

  • Learning the Ropes: For many, internships are a first glimpse into the professional world. Adopting the right etiquette early on paves the way for a smoother career journey.

  • Enhancing Employability: Employers value soft skills. Interns who demonstrate impeccable professional etiquette often stand out and are deemed more employable.

Tips for Interns on Professional Etiquette:

  • Observe & Adapt: Initially, observe how things are done around the office. How do colleagues communicate? What's the general work ethic? Adapt accordingly.

  • Ask When in Doubt: If unsure about something, it's always better to ask rather than make assumptions.

  • Feedback Receptivity: Accept feedback gracefully, even if it's critical. It's a learning opportunity.


How do I navigate different etiquettes in diverse company cultures?

Always start by observing. Each company has its unique culture and unwritten rules. While the basics of professional etiquette remain consistent, nuances might differ. When in doubt, seeking advice from a mentor or colleague can be beneficial.

Is it unprofessional to decline tasks not related to my internship role?

It depends. While interns should be open to learning, it's also essential to ensure they're not being taken advantage of. Politely expressing concerns or seeking clarity on tasks outside of your designated role is acceptable, provided it's done respectfully.


Professional Etiquette in internships isn't just about following a set of rules – it's about embodying the principles that will shape one's professional journey. As interns step into the corporate world, understanding and adhering to these etiquettes will not only enhance their experience but also pave the way for future success.